Financial Mediation

Are you worried about losing your home? where you can afford to live, debts, how two incomes can be stretched to meet housing needs for two homes? All of these worries are faced when a decision to separate occurs.

Tracy Allison has worked with separated families for 20 years. 12 years as a mediator and before this as a solicitor. Having represented clients through court she saw the pitfalls of court:

  • Huge costs
  • Uncertainty in the outcome [no guarantee due to the discretionary nature of the judge’s decision making]
  • Delays
  • High conflict

Mediation is definitely a ‘BETTER WAY’ and offers you a quick, cost-effective and amicable way in reaching a resolution. Tracy’s legal expertises are used for good in giving you legal information throughout the process. Expect to commit to sharing details of your finances, so you can make informed decisions, have confidence in any meeting to negotiate, stay in control and reach a resolution for a few hundred pounds and QUICKLY.

Why take the risk of rolling a dice in going to court, with an uncertain outcome and paying thousands for the same… !?!

Financial Mediation

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Do you have any questions?

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